Friday, November 26, 2010

winter preparation

Autumn has nearly gone. Winter has come again. Clay jar used to be a traditional container for ages. In the late autumn, people dig a hole in the ground large enough to bury the jar, which is useful to keep the fermented food as Gimchi 김치 made of radish and cabbage fresh during the cold weather.
Some Buddhist monks also prepared winter in their temple close to Goryeong 고령. The upper parts of three jars are seen. A brick is put on the top of the middle one, which is intended to stop the strong wind from blowing away the top. Recently most Korean people prefer to residing in apartments, so clay jars in the front garden are unusual scene. Instead, they use the electric refrigerator to keep Gimchi for all seasons. This view reminds middle aged Koreans of old things that have been forgotten along the way.