Sunday, December 30, 2007

Confucian Academy

도동서원 Dodong Seowon, a Confucian academy established in the period of  Joseon dynasty(1392 to 1910) is located to the west of 현풍면 Hyeunpung Myeon, county subdivision of 달성군 Dalseong gun, Dalseong county.
Dodong means that Confucian philosophy comes from the east. Visitors can see the wooden name plate of the academy in the main hall, whose letters were written by the King in 1607. This Academy was dedicated to 김굉필 Kim Gwoingpil, one of the great scholars during Joseon dynasty and its architectural and historical value have been estimated by designating it as a national treasure in 1963.
Confucian scholars had a preference for the silent and scenic place as Buddhist monks did. The academy against the mountains is close to 낙동강 Nakdong gang, Nakdong river.