Friday, January 14, 2005

Niranjana river & Dhungeshwari

Rainy river level is very high in summer but low in the other season. I crossed the river safely in October, wearing short pants. So calm and peaceful...

Bodh Gaya is a sacred and historical place in northern India where Gautama Siddhartha was enlightened about 2,500 years ago. Before coming to Bodh Gaya and starting meditation under a Bodhi tree, he had stayed at rocky hills named Dhungeshwari near Bodh Gaya for 6 years.

Gautama had been practicing austerities for six years in this place near Niranjana river. Finally understanding that this was not able to lead to realization, he abandoned his austerities and in the nearby village, the Brahmin girl Sujata offered him milk-rice.